God Fixes Our Prayers Going Up, and Our Sermons Going Out - Ray Ortlund

Gospel sanity in a world gone mad - this is what Ray Ortlund Jr is trying to offer to the next generation of pastors and leaders. In this conversation with Mike he talks about the value of remembering his own mortality, gathering and gospelling young men, and how Christ Himself is preaching through us as we exposit the Word.  He speaks about some of the wisdom that is contained in his latest book, co-authored with Sam Allberry "You're Not Crazy - Gospel Sanity for Weary Churches" In this practical guide, seasoned pastors Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry help weary leaders renew their love for ministry by equipping them to build a gospel-centered culture into every aspect of their churches. Emphasizing the importance of healthy doctrine, they explain that failing to also nurture a healthy culture can be frustrating, polarizing, and even unbiblical. This encouraging guide features Scripture-focused advice on honesty, honour, preaching, leadership, and mission to support leaders and help them regain a beautiful, Christ-centered vision for their ministries. 

Resources Mentioned: 

You're Not Crazy book: https://www.crossway.org/books/youre-not-crazy-tpb/ 

You're Not Crazy Podcast:  https://open.spotify.com/show/2gjO1xAJVSomEdK6dVwnQh?si=1f98570e2bfd4972 

Father Mapple's Sermon from Moby Dick: https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/42/moby-dick/634/chapter-9-the-sermon/ 

J.I. Packer on Prayer: https://www.ivpress.com/praying 

Tim Keller - Gospel Christianity Discussion Guide: https://gospelinlife.com/study/gospel-christianity-i-gospel-the-heart-group-study-product/ 

John Stott on 1 Timothy: https://www.ivpress.com/the-message-of-1-timothy-titus-ebook 

J.N.D. Kelley on 1 Timothu  https://archive.org/details/commentaryonpast00kell/page/n5/mode/2up

Recommended Episodes:

Ray Ortlund - Leaving Behind our Hidden Shame for His Glorious Grace: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2f8oJk5yovK4D4HDGCqsk8?si=69ef2f62acef4b03

John Koessler - Preaching that is Prayerful and Priestly: https://open.spotify.com/episode/43i46Oq38Zp1suugyQZ6YT?si=47217d32bc2a401d 

Sam Allberry - Embodied Preaching: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0dtYypnuUzt1kocjYwDDdk?si=6b8dd4c5e768418a


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James Rightmer